Department Physics Name Yoon, Choon Sup
Term 2000. 10. 01 - 2003. 09. 30 Fund 290,000,000 Won
Funding Agency LG Electronics Cp., Ltd Field IT (Laser Display)
Title Development of high power blue lasers for laser display
Abstract A cw blue laser of 2 W in power and 4Ąż4Ąż10 cm3 in size was developed, which is the highest blue laser output so far at 456 nm wavelength. The laser power is more than two times as high as the one developed by a research team of the Hamburg University in Germany. Coherent red, green and blue light sources are essential for realization of laser display. However, the commercialization of the laser display has been delayed because the power of blue lasers was not high enough to match those of the green and red lasers. The high power blue lasers developed in this project may enable the laser display to be commercialized in the near future. LG Electronics Inc., which has been the sponsor of this project, already demonstrated a large screen laser display successfully using the blue and green lasers developed in this project. LG Electronics took a step toward the commercialization through further research for mass production.

Unpublished Prototype - Archived 1 Aug 08