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I graduated from science high school. Science high school taught me lots of things and helped me mature. The real reason I went to science school is because it allowed me not to be obsessed with GPA ranking. It also allowed me to learn intensively about my favorite subjects, math and science. I uselessly spent my energy in middle school just getting good marks on tests. My parents said that this process taught me something, but I am pretty skeptical. Let me take ethics as an example. No matter how hard I study ethics, I can't believe that people can be completely ethical. But math and science teaches me how to think reasonably.
I am not sure what I will be in the future, but I will keep learning how to think reasonably. That will show me the right way to live, I think. My reporting activities at the Times also give me an opportunity to broaden my views and get new ideas. It is laborious and stressful sometimes, but I have no doubt that it will be food for future growth.
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