Oceaneering International Web Site - 2010

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

(Copied 15 Jan 10)

(Click for Oceaneering ROVs Page)

Hydra Millennium ROV

Hydra Millennium ROVs are 150 hp high performance work class vehicles developed to operate in water depths to 10,000 fsw. The ROV's specialized work capabilities include the ability to run and operate tools, such as large dredge and jet pumps that require high hydraulic fluid flow.

With a strong emphasis on reliability and standardization, the Millennium is based on the proven Hydra Magnum series design, but features higher horsepower and capabilities for increased water depths and larger payloads. The Millennium utilizes the Magnum cage design, which allows vehicles of either series to carry and operate work packages of any shape and size suitable for ROV deployment.

The Millennium design evolved in response to extensive discussions with Customers who were looking for enhanced performance and work capabilities to support their deepwater drilling and field development programs worldwide.

Vehicle Specifications

Dimensions: 10' 7.5" (11' 6.5" w/ push bracket) x 5' 4.5" x 6'
Weight in air: 8,000 lbs
Depth Rating: 10,000 ft (standard)
Payload: 700 lbs
Horsepower: 2 ea 75 hp Hydraulic Power Units (150 hp)

Standard Tooling Packages

1.25 in diameter Wire rope cutter, 1 in fiber rope cutter
Ring gasket replacement tool package
TP03 dredge/jet pump, rotary grinder/cutter/buffer
1 x 2,500 psi @ 3.5 gpm Intervention Pump w/2.5 gal reservoir
High pressure (5,000 psi) intervention package with 5 gal reservoir (Optional)
