Rice University Energy Web Site

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

(Copied 27 Dec 08)

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New Energy Technologies:
A Policy Framework for Micro-Nuclear Technology

1. Main Study
Jareer Elass, Consultant
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy Advisor
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
2. Comments on the Development Path Needed for Proliferation-Resistant Nuclear Power
H.A. Feiveson, Senior Research Policy Scientist
Program on Science and Global Security
Princeton University
3. On Social Acceptance of Nuclear Power
Michael W. Golay, Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. Small Innovative Reactor Designs -Useful Attributes and Status of Technology
Ehud Greenspan, Department of Nuclear Engineering
University of California at Berkeley

5. Nuclear Power, Small Nuclear Technology, and the Role of Technical Innovation: An Assessment
Robert N. Schock
Center for Global Security Research
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Neil W. Brown
Energy and Environment Program
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Craig F. Smith
Energy and Environment Program
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

6. Development Strategy for Small Innovative Reactors (SIR) and Energy Security
Tatsujiro Suzuki, Chief Senior Researcher
Central Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan
7. Economic and Market Potential of Small Innovative Reactors
John J. Taylor, Vice President, Nuclear Power (retired)
Electric Power Research Institute
8. Trends in the Development of Modular, High-Temperature, Gas-Cooled, Nuclear Reactors for Commercial Use and Their Significance
Yasuo Tsuchie, Senior Chief Researcher
Advanced Reactor & Technology Research and Development Department
Japan Atomic Power Company

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James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy