Rice University Energy Web Site

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

(Copied 27 Dec 08)

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New Energy Technologies in the Natural Gas Sectors:
A Policy Framework for Japan

1. Main Study
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy Advisor
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

2. Using Sakhalin Natural Gas in Japan
Peter R. Hartley, Professor of Economics and Department Chair
Rice University
Dagobert Brito, George A. Peterkin Professor of Political Economy
Rice University

3. Developments in Atlantic Basin LNG: Implications for Japan
Barbara Rhines Shook, Houston Bureau Chief
Energy Intelligence Group
Amy Myers Jaffe, Senior Energy Advisor
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
4. Facilitating Development of the Natural Gas Market in Japan:
Pipelines and Gas Law

Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University

5. Technology and Liquefied Natural Gas: Evolution of Markets
Alan Troner, President
Asia Pacific Energy Consulting Inc.

6. Utilization of Natural Gas in Japan: Trends and Challenges: Summary Report by the Petroleum Energy Center of Japan
Hiroshi Hasuike, Deputy Director
Research and Development Division
The Institute of Applied Energy
Akira Miyamoto, Senior Researcher
Research Institute for Culture, Energy and Life
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
Eisuke Muto, Senior Researcher
Petroleum Energy Center
Yoshiki Ogawa, General Manager
The Second Department of Research
The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

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James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy