
Alerts - NIRS
- December 17: 500+ Organizations Sign Statement Rejecting Nuclear
Power as a Solution to Climate Crisis
- December 13: Nuclear Loan Guarantees: How Could It Get
- December 7: You Kept Nuclear Loan Guarantees Out of the Energy
Bill! Now, One More Time, Let's Stop Them Entirely!
- November 26: Act Now In Nancy Pelosi's District Help Stop Loan
Guarantees For New Nuclear Reactors!
- November 14: This Thanksgiving, Talk Turkey To Your
Congressmembers! Stop $50 Billion In Nuclear Power Loan Guarantees! Demand An Energy Bill That Promotes Renewables
And Energy Efficiency!
- November 2: Help Protect Those Most Vulnerable To Radiation. Sign
The Open Letter To President Bush
- October 17: Support Musicians And Others Working to Stop an Atomic
Bailout! National Call-Congress Day: Tuesday, October 23, 2007
- October 12: Support Musicians Acting to Stop New Reactors; New
Info on Loan Guarantees/Energy Bill
- September 10: Call Steny Hoyer, Then Your Own Congressmembers! No
Taxpayer Loan Guarantees For New Reactors!
- September 5: Sign on to support blockade of Canadian uranium
- August 23: Two NRC meetings next week in S.C. to push new
- August 21: Sign on! A simple statement on nuclear power and the
climate crisis
- August 3: Urgent Letter from Bonnie Raitt/Jackson Browne/Graham
Nash: Call Your Representative Today
- July 30: August Events in Southeast: Action Camp and Energy
- July 26: Call to Action--No War, No Warming
- July 13: Stop NC Senate Bill 3--Say No to Prepaid Nukes and
- July 10: Green and Nuclear Free -- A Community Gathering in Favor
of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Closing Vermont Yankee
- July 10: No Nukes Rally Against Palisades Atomic Reactor!
- June 26: NIRS' Beyond Nuclear project moves to NPRI in planned
expansion of anti-nuclear movement
- May 21: International Action Day on Belene, June 5
- May 18: Radioactive Dairyland Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Pressure
Vessel about to embark by train from near LaCrosse, WI to Barnwell, SC!
- April 19: Take Action Chernobyl Day on IAEA/WHO
- April 10: Help stop new atomic reactors in California
- April 3: This Tax Day, Use Your Money Wisely: Call
- March 3: Summer class: Chernobyl and Ukraine: Recovery from
Catastrophe and the Renaissance of Nuclear Power
- February 21: Demand radiation standards that follow the
precautionary principle
- February 5: Be there, comment at DOE meetings to stop global
mobile Chernobyl!
- January 25: Sign-on to Oppose Nukes in McCain-Lieberman Climate
Change Bill!
- January 16: Alert: Comment to NRC. Account For Children, Fetuses,
& the More Vulnerable in Radiation Standards. Deadline: February 5, 2007