Please join us today at!
This new grassroots-driven Web site has been set up by
Physicians for Social Responsibility and Nuclear Information and
Service to facilitate and increase grassroots collaboration on the many issues related to nuclear power and energy that we all face.
We want to make clear from the beginning: This is not our site, it is your site.
This is not a place for national groups to post documents and position papers, and hope people will respond.
Instead, this is a place for you - the growing grassroots movement for a nuclear-free, sustainable energy future - to post your thoughts and materials, to initiate and engage in conversation with other activists, to catch up on the latest news from across the country and eventually across the world.
Here's how you can use this Web site to network, get out the word and learn from others:
- Share your thoughts. Anyone from the community who wants to offer a "Blog Post" on is free to do so. As a group, we will reserve the right to block abusive, irrelevant and industry-tilted commentary. This is a network for invited activists - not a forum for pro-nuke interests!
- Start a discussion. Use the "Forums" area of GrassRootsNucleus to open up a topic and start a threaded discussion. This is a great way to share knowledge and pick up new tips!
- Join a discussion open only to the community. We have set up 9 different "Group" discussion areas on Nuclear Economics; Nuclear Subsidies Working Groups; Resources for Activists; Social Justice and Uranium Mining; High-Level Radioactive Waste; Nukes and Climate; Radioactive Waste Re-evaluation Group; Radioactive Waste; and Radiation and Health Group. Here's the deal on these groups - this is for activists only, not "outsiders," including the industry and its allies. So, you can join any group that you want - but we have to recognize your name as someone in the community to let you in first. Our goal is to create a safe environment in which people can feel free to contribute their best thinking and materials!
- Add your Twitter feed. Send your Twitter
account name to and we will add it to GrassRootsNucleus' combined Twitter feed. You can
our combined Twitter feed into your Web site by going to
- Show us your pics. You'll also find spots at the top and lower right of the GrassRootsNucleus page where you can add your photos.
- Tell us about upcoming events. We want to
maintain a robust calendar of upcoming events at GrassRootsNucleus. Send your calendar items to
If you're familiar with sites like Facebook, then the "My Page" section of the site will look pretty familiar as well. This is a networking site, and you can talk directly to each other as well as through the more formal mechanisms of the front page.
Please take a few minutes and just look around, and see how it may be useful to you, what you can add, what needs improvement. We are eager to hear your feedback ... and prepared to keep improving this site as we move forward.
Please jump in, make some comments, tell others what you're doing, find out what they're doing. The more conversation and interaction that takes place, the better off we'll all be.
Remember: This is your site.
Michael Mariotte
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Morgan Pinnell
Physicians for Social Responsibility