Mark Your Calendars! Public Hearings on MD Energy Deal
Public hearing: Sept. 2 in Annapolis. Annapolis workshop: Aug. 26
Public hearing: Sept. 17 in Baltimore. Baltimore workshop Sept. 15
Join us to hone your public hearing skills before the big day. Get details, here:
Dear Clean Energy Advocate,
The Maryland Public Service Commission has responded favorably to our call for public hearings in which Maryland citizens can voice their concerns about the proposed deal between Constellation Energy Group and Electricite de France (EdF). This deal would help pave the way for construction of the proposed Calvert Cliffs-3 nuclear reactor on the Chesapeake Bay.
Now is your chance to directly take part in the decision-making on Maryland's energy future. And we encourage every Marylander to do so. Haven't spoken at a public hearing before? No problem. The Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition is organizing a "Make a Statement" workshop to help you prepare.
Sign-up here:
We have been working hard to secure safe, clean and affordable energy for Maryland by speaking out against a deal that would give the French-state controlled EdF significant influence over Constellation, Baltimore Gas & Electric and Maryland ratepayers alike.
Now we need you to join us! We must line up in droves to send a clear message that Marylanders won't let decisions about their energy future be made behind closed doors without public input.
To prepare you for this vital opportunity, we are planning two workshops where you can get more
facts about the deal, gain new skills and practice your statement for the hearing. Plan to have fun and meet some great folks too! To
sign up for the meet-and-mingle and workshop, follow this link:
Be the voice that tells the Public Service Commission that Marylanders are against this risky deal. You won't be alone.
Thank you for all you do,
Michael Mariotte,
for Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition
P.S., if you haven't yet signed the NO DEAL petition, urging the Public Service Commission to
reject the Constellation/EDF merger, please do so here:
And please pass the word about the public meetings, and the petition, along to your friends and colleagues!