Alert! Take Action Now! Let's All Act to End Nuclear/Coal Subsidies!
Dear Friends:
What does democracy look like? It looks like people everywhere taking action to protect themselves, their communities, their planet.
And we all need to take action now.
When Congress returns from its April recess, work will begin in earnest on a new Senate energy bill, on climate change legislation, on a host of energy and nuclear issues.
We need to reach Congress now--before deals are sealed behind closed doors--in numbers as large and vocal as possible.
First: send an e-mail to your Congressmembers. You can do so here. It's quick, easy and fun. Then,
return to this Alert!
Second: Set up a meeting with your Senators and Representatives when they're home for the Congressional recess, April 6-17. We're
partnering with our friends at to make this easy for you. Just go here to find step-by-step
instructions and talking points.
Third: On April 18, Focus the Nation is sponsoring hundreds of Town Hall meetings on energy and climate issues throughout the country.
Go here to find more information. If there isn't a meeting in your area, set one up! If there is, go to the
Focus the
Nation contact page, find your local contact, and make sure someone at the meeting will be speaking on nuclear power issues, and the need for a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future! No speaker yet? Volunteer!
Fourth: Please support NIRS now. We heard this week from a very kind woman who has been giving NIRS $12-14,000 per year for the last several years. The stock market crash has nearly wiped her out, she explained, when she sent a check for $500. Can you imagine? She apologized for sending only $500? You can't imagine how much we appreciate that. We know most people can't afford $500, and have never been able to afford $12,000. But we also know your donations--of whatever size--add up.
With large donors sending less, we need more small donors to make up the difference.
Please contribute whatever you can to NIRS now, on our secure servers. Or if you'd prefer to write a check, please
to NIRS, 6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912. Help us keep up and build on our successful campaigns to stop taxpayer subsidies for new nuclear reactors and for a sustainable energy future. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
Fifth: Saturday, March 28, is the 30th anniversary of the Three Mile Island accident. You can find some remarkable audio and
video about Three Mile Island, and other information, on NIRS' website here. And earlier today, several organizations
banded together to release a statement on the anniversary and the broken nuclear regulatory system.
You can read it here.
Finally: This is what democracy looks like! See a photo gallery of the Capitol Anti-Coal Rally on March 2,
focusing on the large Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free contingent!
Please forward this Alert as widely as you can and post it everywhere you can. Let's all act together; let's deluge Congress with e-mails, let's meet every Member at least once this April recess! Let's show the nuclear industry what democracy is all about!
Thanks for all you do,
Michael Mariotte
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service