National Nuclear Lobby Day - February 27, 2009
Dear Friends,
Beating back the $50 billion in nuclear/coal loan guarantees in the economic stimulus bill was just the first step-though it was a great one!
But the nuclear/coal industries are coming back again and will be looking for more taxpayer handouts throughout the coming year.
We need to keep the pressure on Congress, and keep educating Congress about the issues and our concerns-not only right before votes and Congressional actions, but all through this year. The very few lobbyists on our side can't keep up with the legion of Nuclear Energy Institute and utility lobbyists, nor their enormous campaign contributions.
That's where you come in.
We'll be sponsoring various grassroots activity opportunities for you to interact with your legislators this year. First up is a National Nuclear Lobby Day on Friday, February 27 in Washington.
This is designed mostly for those of you coming to town for the Carbon Free, Nuclear Free conference and/or the Power Shift events next week, plus those of you in Maryland, Virginia and other nearby locations.
If you are coming to DC and can be here on Friday, February 27, and are willing to meet with your legislator(s) or their staffs,
please let us know by e-mailing us at We can set up appointments for you, provide you with
talking points, and even accompany you on your visit if you'd like. If you need housing, we'll try to arrange that, but can't promise. Unfortunately, we don't have any travel funds for this event.
We hope to see you in DC next week!
Thanks for your help-let's keep our momentum going all year long!
Michael Mariotte
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service