Energy Information Administration - Coal Price

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
(Copied 30 Dec 08)

Assuming a market price of $50/ton in 2008 dollars, the cost per joule is

Cost/joule = [$50/ton] / [3.17 x 1010 joules/ton] = 1.6 x 10-9 $/joule

The above conversion factor assumes

3.5 x 107 joules/kg x 907 kg/ton = 3.17 x 1010 joules/ton

Average Open Market Sales Price of Coal by State and Mine Type
  Report No.: DOE/EIA 0584 (2007)
  Report Released: September 2008
  Next Release Date: September 2009

Table 28. Average Open Market Sales Price of Coal by State and Mine Type, 2007, 2006
(Dollars per Short Ton)
Coal-Producing State
Percent Change
Underground Surface Total Underground Surface Total Underground Surface Total
Alabama  $53.93 $57.92 $55.56 $43.13 $55.32 $48.39 25.0 4.7 14.8
Alaska  - W W - W W - W W
Arizona  - W W - W W - W W
Arkansas  W - W W - W W - W
Colorado  W W $24.91 $24.10 $24.70 $24.27 W W 2.6
Illinois  $33.44 $34.37 $33.60 $30.86 $32.78 $31.17 8.4 4.8 7.8
Indiana  $33.84 $26.79 $28.79 $33.70 $24.66 $27.27 0.4 8.7 5.6
Kansas  - W W - W W - W W
Kentucky Total  $43.80 $43.36 $43.62 $41.42 $44.82 $42.73 5.8 -3.3 2.1
  Eastern  $49.80 $44.67 $47.27 $46.88 $46.46 $46.68 6.2 -3.8 1.3
  Western  $33.27 $28.75 $32.67 $30.52 $24.29 $29.76 9.0 18.4 9.8
Louisiana  - W W - W W - W W
Maryland  W W $33.02 W W $30.63 W W 7.8
Mississippi  - W W - W W - W W
Missouri  - W W - W W - W W
Montana  W W $11.79 W W $10.42 W W 13.1
New Mexico  W W $29.91 W W $29.15 W W 2.6
North Dakota  - $11.56 $11.56 - $10.70 $10.70 - 8.0 8.0
Ohio  $28.32 $30.17 $28.79 $26.72 $28.93 $27.40 6.0 4.3 5.1
Oklahoma  W W $34.98 W W $30.75 W W 13.7
Pennsylvania Total  $39.34 $39.15 $39.30 $37.12 $38.81 $37.42 6.0 0.9 5.0
  Anthracite  W W $52.24 $72.79 $37.89 $43.61 W W 19.8
  Bituminous  W W $39.04 $36.99 $38.90 $37.30 W W 4.7
Tennessee  $45.73 $40.89 $42.53 $49.07 $35.65 $41.37 -6.8 14.7 2.8
Texas  - $19.47 $19.47 - $18.61 $18.61 - 4.6 4.6
Utah  $25.69 - $25.69 $24.98 - $24.98 2.9 - 2.9
Virginia  $53.91 $51.45 $52.89 $53.57 $52.16 $52.99 0.6 -1.4 -0.2
West Virginia Total  $48.44 $46.65 $47.63 $45.53 $46.44 $45.94 6.4 0.4 3.7
  Northern  $37.77 $37.05 $37.67 $35.26 $36.95 $35.48 7.1 0.3 6.2
  Southern  $56.86 $47.53 $51.50 $53.44 $47.30 $49.94 6.4 0.5 3.1
Wyoming  - $9.67 $9.67 - $9.03 $9.03 - 7.1 7.1
U.S. Total  $40.29 $19.41 $26.20 $38.28 $18.88 $25.16 5.3 2.8 4.1
- = No data are reported.
W = Data withheld to avoid disclosure.
Note: · Open market includes all coal sold on the open market to other coal companies or consumers. An average open market sales price is calculated by dividing the total free on board (f.o.b) rail/barge value of the open market coal sold by the total open market coal sold. Excludes mines producing less than 10,000 short tons, which are not required to provide data. Excludes silt, culm, refuse bank, slurry dam, and dredge operations. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: · Energy Information Administration Form EIA-7A, "Coal Production Report," and U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Form 7000-2, "Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report."