3. The Baker Institute World Gas Trade Model (BIWGTM)
Peter Hartley, Chairman
Department of Economics, Rice University
Kenneth B. Medlock, III
Energy Research Fellow, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, Rice University |
4. Evolution of the International LNG Market
Dagobert L. Brito and Peter R. Hartley
Rice University
June 23, 2002 |
5. Market Structure in the New Gas Economy: Is Cartelization Possible?
Amy Jaffe, Wallace Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
Ronald Soligo, Professor
Department of Economics, Rice University |
8. International Gas Trade in
Central Asia: Turkmenistan, Iran,
Russia and Afghanistan
Martha Olcott, Senior Associate
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
9. Algerian Gas to Europe: The Transmed Pipeline and Early Spanish Gas Import Projects
Mark Hayes, Research Fellow
Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, Stanford University |
10. Liquefied Natural Gas From Indonesia: The Arun Project
Steven Lewis, Senior Research Fellow in Asian Politics & Economy
Rice University
Fred R. von der Mehden, Professor Emeritus
Department of Political Science, Rice University |
11. Natural Gas Pipelines in the Southern Cone
David Mares, Professor of Political Science and International Relations
University of California, San Diego (USCD) |
12. Liquefied Natural Gas from Qatar : The Qatargas Project
Kohei Hashimoto, President, Institute for New International Political Systems
Jareer Elass, Consultant, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
Stacy Eller, Graduate Student Researcher, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy,
Rice University |