1. Main Study
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy analyst
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University |
2. Social, Cultural, and Religious Factors Influencing China's Energy Supply
A Seminar Report |
3. Slaying the China Dragon: the New China Threat School
Joe Barnes, Research Fellow
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University |
4. The Gas Dragon's Rise: Chinese Natural Gas Strategy and Import Patterns
Xiaojie Xu, Research Fellow
The Petroleum Strategies Group, Beijing |
5. First Things First: Development and Global Warming
Michael Warby, Editor
Institute of Public Affairs Review
Peter Hartley, Professor
Department of Economics
Rice University
Kenneth B. Medlock, III
Department of Economics
Rice University |
6. China's Military Posture and the New Economic Geopolitics
Evan A. Feigenbaum, Fellow
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University |
7. Accounting for the Environment Factors: Implications for OECD and Asian Growth and Composition of Energy Demand
Byung Mok Jeon
Department of Economics
Rice University
Robin C. Sickles, Professor
Department of Economics
Rice University |
8. Privatizing China's State-Owned Oil Companies
Steven W. Lewis
Department of Political Science and Transnational China Project
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University |
9. The Composition and Growth in Energy Demand in China
Kenneth B. Medlock, III
Department of Economics
Rice University
Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University |
10. Chinese Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Insights from the Two-Good Theory
T. Clifton Morgan, Professor
Department of Political Science
Rice University
Glenn Palmer, Professor
Department of Political Science
Texas A&M University |
11. China's Growing Energy Dependence: The Costs and Policy Implications of Supply Alternatives
Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy Analyst
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University |
12. Energy and Conflict in Contemporary Asia
Fred von der Mehden, Albert Thomas Professor of Political Science Emeritus
Department of Political Science
Rice University |
13. China-Russia Energy Cooperation: Impetuses, Prospects, and Impacts
Xia Yishan
China Institute for International Studies |