Department Physics Name Chang, Choong Seock
Term 2000. - present Fund 100,000,000 Won (per year)
Funding Agency Korea Basic Science Institute Field Energy
Title Numerical study of plasma confinement in a tokamak
Abstract Particle-in-Cell simulation of charged particle kinetics in a realistic geometry and plasma condition has been successfully performed for the first time. Inclusion of the separatrix magnetic field with magnetic X-point and neutral atomic physics in a real first-wall geometry has been a long term homework in the theoretical fusion plasma research. It has been noticed that such a work must precede before the ITER construction/operation and that the only possible approach is numerical due to its spatiotemporal multiscale and nonlinear nature. This project has been supported by both Korea KSTAR program (through KBSI) and US DOE (through New York University). Success of this work became the basis for the 6 million dollar project (for three years) in the USA funded by US DOE to Prof. C.S. Chang, titled "Center for Plasma Edge Simulation.

Unpublished Prototype - Archived 1 Aug 08