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The Student Project for Asian and International Relations (SPAIR) is the official networking club of the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

SPAIR fosters the intercultural dialogue with Asian societies and builds close friendships between future leaders studying at the world's most recognized universities.

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You can reach SPAIR by contacting any of our board members.

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Welcome to the website of SPAIR

April 24th, 2008 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

SPAIR Germany HPAIR 2007On this page you find the latest news regarding SPAIR as well as current and past HPAIR conferences. HPAIR participants, we welcome you to our website - have a look on our activities, tell us about your HPAIR-related events and, much more important, get in touch with us!

Do you want to become a member of SPAIR? Feel free to contact us!

Important Dates!

April 24th, 2008 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

… please make sure not to miss the application deadlines expiring on:

May 1 - Applications Due for Business Conference
May 5 - Business Conference Application Decisions Released)
May 15 - Registration Due for Business Conference

May 15 - Applications Due for Academic Conference
May 25 - Academic Conference Application Decisions Released

Dates are subject to change.
Please check back frequently at as deadlines approach.

Review of the SPAIR Post-Conference Seminar

March 30th, 2008 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

Our Meeting started in the cold and wintry Munich at the campus of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. The weather outside was soon forgotten by the lively discussion which erupted during our first presentation about Chinese foreign policy. In his speech, SPAIR member Christian Rieck revealed the historic roots of today’s Chinese foreign policy. Christian addressed the fact that certain public announcements and reactions by the Chinese government are misinterpreted by Western countries. In his view these statements may only be understood correctly when considering China’s loss of sovereignty in the 19th century and its attempt to gain superpower status again.

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SPAIR Post-Conference Meeting in Munich

February 2nd, 2008 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

Having experienced two unique HPAIR conferences in Beijing (Academic Conference, August 17-20) and Hong Kong (Business Conference, August 24-26) last summer, we met each other again for this year’s post-conference seminar in Germany:

It was a great pleasure for us to welcome our speakers and participants in Munich (Germany) on 7th and 8th March 2008. We were especially pleased to host our major partner ZF Friedrichshafen.

Beside reflecting on the past conferences in 2007 and discussing on china-specific topics, we started planing the upcoming conferences in Kuala Lumpur in 2008.

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HPAIR Conferences 2008 in Malaysia

January 30th, 2008 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

!!! Date and location for the Academic Conference have been modified: it will now be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from August 21 to 24, 2008 !!!

We are happy to announce that in 2008, HPAIR will continue its 17-year-old tradition by organising two conferences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The application form and further information are available at

Business Conference
The Business Conference will take place from August 14 to 17, 2008.
The theme is “Emerging Into Focus: Asia Incorporated”.

Academic Conference
The Academic Conference will take place from August 21 to 24, 2008.
The theme is “Beyond Borders: Asia on the World Stage”.

HPAIR 2008 On-Campus Conference in Cambridge

November 12th, 2007 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

For the first year ever, HPAIR will host an academic conference held on-campus at Harvard University. The On-Campus Conference will take place from April 3 to 6, 2008.

Important Dates:
Dec 1, 2007 - application form is available
Jan 15, 2008 - expiration of application term
Feb 1, 2008 - final decisions are available at

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Back from HPAIR Conferences in Beijing and Hong Kong

September 1st, 2007 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

With all the experience from the HPAIR conferences in Beijing (Academic Conference, August 17-20) and Hong Kong (Business Conference, August 24-26) in mind, we look forward to meeting each other again for this year’s post-conference meeting in Germany (appointment TBD).

On the conferences, we have discussed and learned about the most recent social, political and economic developments in Asia-Pacific.

For some of us, participating in HPAIR already means meeting with good friends - friendships that have been established and catalyzed by the sharing of ideas and interests - beyond the horizons of cultural identity.

Review of the SPAIR Pre-Conference Seminar in Munich

August 15th, 2007 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

SPAIR Germany HPAIR 2007 MunichThe first impressions of Bavaria’s regional capital at July 13, a Friday afternoon were a cloudless sky, the Celsius thermometer beyond 30°C and pulsating veins of Downtown Munich. Also the arrivals detected our executive committee was held up by the Friday afternoon traffic, too. Caused by the fact the two Munich SPAIR directorates asked the Stuttgart SPAIR directorate to welcome the group in Munich. That little anecdote on the verge of a really with great engagement organized seminar by our executive committee.

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SPAIR Pre-Conference Seminar in Munich

June 28th, 2007 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

To prepare for this year’s conferences in Beijing and Hong Kong, we will hold a pre-conference seminar on Friday, 13th of July and Saturday, 14th of July 2007 in Munich. This is also an opportunity for our new members to get to know SPAIR Germany, our activities and people.

We are looking forward to presenting you a program of exciting presentations and insights. Amoung our key speakers will be Ulf S. Baecker, Managing Partner, usbaecker, Hamburg, with an interactive session on From BRIC to JICK: Shared Observations & Initial Reflections from the Field” and Christian Rieck (Humboldt-Universität / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), “Think again: India and China in a multipolar world”. We will furthermore have the opportunity to visit the SiemensForum - „Herausforderung Megacity: Shanghai“.

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Extended Application Deadline for HPAIR Conferences

March 20th, 2007 - published in HPAIR, SPAIR

Dear members and future participants,

please remember to apply for this year’s HPAIR Conferences in Beijing (17-20 August, Academic Conference) and Hong Kong (24-26 August, Business Conference) till 31st of March. This is an extended deadline - please refer to or contact our board for further details. After a successful application, HPAIR will allow you to register for the conference.

Good luck - we are looking forward to seeing you in China!