Ateneo HPAIR Union

Talk sense. Make change.

National Conference Invitation

List of Confirmed Delegates

This is the initial list of those that are confirmed for January 26-27. As of December 17, 2007, the following delegates have reserved slots. We require all registration forms to be submitted on or before January 17, 2008.

Business Workshop   Governance Workshop
Abacan Francesca Isabella   Adriano Jewel Ileene
Abejero Kathrina Irish   Agarrado Gabrielle Anne
Agoncillo Nicolo James   Aguila Kat
Alcantara James Andrew   Aguilar Michaela
Ang Christopher   Alcantara James
Betita Hernando   Ali Michael Mito-On
Bibit Sabello V.   Alimangohan Biboy
Bustalinio Katherine   Anana Paolo Jonathan
Cadiz Ian Michael   Araneta Lorenzo
Calejesan Marie Elaine   Arteche  
Caranzo Cherica   Atun Paula
Casimiro Anna Katrina   Bagaporo Dennis Edward
Cejas Cesare Mikhail   Bagohin Laurence Angelo
Cembrano Katherine   Baraquiel Katrina
Chan Hubert   Barriero Joseph Giann
Chua Evelyn   Boado Diana Lou
Chua Anna Katrina   Bordeos Virgilio
Chua Lance   Camina Gemboy
Clement Ivan   Candano Angelica
Co Florante   Cape Jeffrey Ray
Co Reginald   Carandang Justiz Warren Gabriel
Co Roseann   Cipriano Andro
Cordial Stephen Noel   Ching Charles Lawrence
Cruz Jerome Patrick   Chua Jezebeth Eve
de La Paz Maria Sophia Clarissa   Co Wilson
Decasa Philip William   Concepcion Juan Carlos
Diaz Kristine Mae   Conception Joy Ann
Español Dick Sanny   Congco Paolo Jonathan
Estrada Jan Matthew   Cue Clark Jefferson
Ferrer Anne Marie Francesca   Cureg Krizia
Ferrer Rosa Monica   Dario Carla Marie
Garcia Ma. Katrina Cara   David Marseille
Garcia Rachel Mary   De Jesus Cheryl Aiza
Gatuslao Justin   De Leon Jesus Demetrio
Go Jessica Mae   Del Rosario Cristina
Gorres Gibby   Delos Alas Jason
Gotico Ruel Gerard   Dimaano Aaron Marc
Huang Isis Clariz   Dominguez Patricia Alexis
Joaquin Neriza   Dy Crystal Michaella
Jugo Jamina   Eama Kimberly Lace
Koa Andrea   Espinosa Angelica
Kwon You   Ferrer Andrea Frances
Laguerta Joel   Franco Juan Carlo
Lalisan Patricia   Franco Guia Angela
Lascano Karell Marie   Galindez Diana Grace
Le Blanc Daniel   Gomez Sarah Katrina
Ledesma Francesca Isabella   Gonda Ana Cristina
Legaspi Laverne   Gopalan Guita
Lim Paolo Carlo   Guinto Ramon Lorenzo Luis
Lusuan Angelique Sean   Ho Dorcas Ann
Madlansacay Kristine Frances   Ignacio Rafael Victor
Manubay Marvin   Javier Erick
Maranon Katrina Angelica   Josue Joyce Lauren
Marfil Jude Amadeus   Julian Clarissa Anne
Medalle Steve   King Lara Jane
Mendoza Aaron   Lagman Frenissa Mae
Mendoza Kisha   Lim Ma. Margarita
Miciano Jose Angelo   Lee Audrey Ann
Montanez Ranzel Senia   Lee Jamielle Ann
Ong Kimberly   Lee Zzlleenn
Ong Matthew   Lewis Abigail Loren
Pablo Angelli Camille   Mangubat Amanda
Pomida Isabel   Marfori Anton
Ragragio Gliza Marie   Marquez Jowee Ann
Ramos Kathleen Teresa   Medina Rosalia Anna
Rayos Angelica Cecilia   Miclat Jackie Lou
Rayos Martin Joel   Millar Mikaella Joanna
Reunir Marylou   Mirasol Tricia Angeli
Reyes Carmina   Montenegro Candice Dominique
Rustia Rachel Marie   Mundin Adrian Clarc
Santos Angela Beatriz   Mutiangpili Steve
Segovia Jan Michael   Nable Dan Joseph
Simon Simon   Nito John Be Orenz
So Seo Young   Ocumen Avery
Sta. Isabel Neil Jameson   Orden Mary Claire
Sujanani Rohan   Ortega Michaella Angeli
Tan Jill Ann   Ordonez Marie Angela
Tan Ivy   Pablo Mark Armand
Tunogbanya Lara Celine Corazon   Pangalinan Denise Mae
Villarica David   Platon Joyce Camille
Wong Katherine   Pomida Yen
Yap Evan Bernhard   Poon Stephanie
Yap Maria Patricia Praxedes   Ramos Anica Ma. Katerina
      Ramos John Leinard
      Regilme Salvador Santino
      Reyes Harly Jayson
      Santiago Ma. Rita Marina
      Santiago Ma. Rita Martha
      Santos Marc Ericson
      Sazon Mark Armand
      Sevilla Charles
      Siquian Celine Jeanne
      Solomon Shekinah
      Subijano Reiner
      Teh Marie Elaine
      Tysmans Nastasia Mikhaila
      Umel Audris
      Uy Mark Armand
      Uy Rona Gail
      Valera Marian Theresia
      Vaswani Sharon Danisha
      Viceral Princess Louise
      Villarta Maria Chica
      Virtucio Christopher John
      Viola Erick Brian
      Yu Abigail

Page 1: Greeting
Page 2: Schedule
Page 3: Registration Details
Page 4: Conference Features
Page 5: Call for Papers
Page 6: Payment Details
Page 7: Hotel Information
Page 8: List of Confirmed Delegates
Page 9: List of Confirmed Speakers


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19 Comments on National Conference Invitation

Gen Espinosa ... 1

Hi! I’m interested in submitting a paper for this conference. Do you require a specific format for the paper (e.g. number of pages, font style and size)?

Posted date November 25th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
Margie Lim ... 2

Hi Gen,

Times New Roman would be fine. Also, the font size should be 12. Thanks and please email us at for any other questions.

Posted date November 26th, 2007 at 9:32 pm
Jhoana Mutiangpili ... 3

Hi Gen,

No required number of pages for the actual paper. But you have to submit to us a 250-350-word abstract of your paper by Dec. 17. Other specific details about this can be found in the Call for Papers page.

Posted date November 27th, 2007 at 8:52 pm
alfred r lopez ... 4

i would liketo attend in this seminar, do yuo have a landline phone so that i can ask more questions? my cp number is 09183218323

Posted date December 13th, 2007 at 8:07 pm
Yen Pomida ... 5

Hi, Alfred! :) One of us will be texting you ASAP so we can entertain your questions.

Posted date December 14th, 2007 at 2:56 pm
Renzo Guinto ... 6

Good day! I would like to attend the conference too. I texted this number 09166053298 regarding the fax number for form submission but no one replied. Thanks!

Posted date December 19th, 2007 at 3:18 pm
Margie Lim ... 7

Hi Renzo, the fax number is 4286754. It’s telefax so please look for David. I’ll be texting you as well.

Posted date December 19th, 2007 at 7:17 pm
Margie Lim ... 8

Please email me your number and any other questions at We check that email at least once a day so you’ll be assured of an answer:)

Posted date December 19th, 2007 at 7:19 pm
Wen Batocabe ... 9

Hi, i’m interested in submitting a paper for this conference. can i still send the abstract of my paper, or is it too late already?


Posted date December 19th, 2007 at 11:11 pm
jhoana ... 10

Hey Wen,

You can still submit your paper’s abstract til December 31, 2007. Your actual paper should be submitted before January 12.

Posted date December 20th, 2007 at 11:15 am
Ranzel ... 11

Hi. Good morning, I’m one of the lucky delegates and it looks like you got my name wrong. Its Ranzel Genia Montanez, not “Senia”.


Posted date January 5th, 2008 at 2:00 pm
Margie Lim ... 12

Hi Ranzel,

Sorry about that. We’ve fixed the error. See you on Jan 26-27.

Posted date January 5th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
Ranzel ... 13

Is it still possible to make a hotel reservation?

Posted date January 8th, 2008 at 8:00 pm
Margie Lim ... 14

Hi Ranzel. We’re sorry but we can no longer accomodate you for hotel reservation.

Posted date January 9th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
Santino Regilme ... 15

We already faxed around 19 reg forms for the DLSU-Manila contingent at this fax no. 4260795/4286754. Kindly confirm if you guys were able to receive it. Thanks.

Posted date January 15th, 2008 at 9:55 pm
Margie Lim ... 16

Hi Ma’am. We have received the fax of several DLSU students. You will receive an email of confirmation when everything has been processed. We will also invite you to the conference yahoogroup once things have been processed. Also, please check on this website as we will be updating the confirmed delegate list by Saturday.

Posted date January 17th, 2008 at 6:05 am
mc allen reonel sebastian cacacho ... 17

i want to know more about the conference.. please email me the details.. learned this from my friend renzo guinto..

Posted date January 19th, 2008 at 3:09 pm
Margie Lim ... 18

Hi may we have your email address. Renzo will be attending as well. The details are all in this website. Just email us your registration form. Thanks

Posted date January 19th, 2008 at 4:22 pm
ravi ... 19

well done you did a good job for youth graduates best of luck

Posted date March 8th, 2008 at 7:03 pm

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