Korean President Park Chung-hee (center)
attending Kais (Korean Advanced Institute of Science) ground
breaking ceremony, Seoul Hong-leung campus on 14 Apr 71.
Holding the pointer is Mr. Kim Ky-young, Minister of
Science and Technology. Standing behind President Park is
Dr. Lee Sang-su, the first President of Kais. Kais was
established in 1971 and had graduate programs only. It was
integrated into Kaist in 1989. These facilities are now the
Seoul campus of Kaist.
Korean President Park Chung-hee attending Kais
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science) ground breaking ceremony,
Seoul Hong-leung campus on 14 Apr 71. Standing next to
President Park is Minister of Science and Technology
Kim Ki-young. |
Korean President Chun Doo-whan visiting Kit
(Korea Institute of Technology) construction site in Daejeon
(northern end of the current Kaist campus). He shaking hands
with Yoon, Ok-young, head of the Kit establishment promotion
committee. Presidential guards stand in the background. Kit
was established in 1986 and had only undergraduate programs.
It was integrated into Kaist in 1989. |
Korean President Noh Tae-woo attending degree
conferment ceremony at Kaist Auditorium, Daejeon in February
1991. Left of President Noh is Dr. Lee Sang-soo, first
President of Kaist. Next to him stands Mr. Kim, ki-hyun,
Chairman of the Kaist Board of Trustees. On the edge of the
picture at the right is Minister of Science and Technology
Kim Jin-young. |
Korean President Kim Young-sam attending
research exhibition at the Daejeon campus of Kaist on 14 Feb
04. This took place on the first floor of the science
library. The particular exhibit was made by Prof. Lee
Kwang-hyung of the biosystems department. On the far right
is Minister of Science and Technology Kim Shi-joong. |
Korean President Kim Dae-jung and first
lady Lee, Hui-ho attending an exhibition on the Daejeon
compus in May 2001. President Kim is shaking hands
with Ami, a robot that can walk, rotate, and say things such
as "Welcome", "Glad to see you", and so forth. At the edge
of the picture stands Dr. Choi Duck-in, President of Kaist.
"See-Kaist" means literally seeing what's happening at
Kaist. It is an exhibition of research by professors and
students (including science high school students), held
every 2 years. |
Korean President Roh Moon-hyun speaking at the
Kaist auditorium on 23 Apr 03. The occasion was Science
Day. His message was, "We must do our best to make a
science-based society." Seated at the table is first lady
Kwon Yang-sook. Behind her are (right to left) Governor of
Chung-choong Namdo Province Shim Due-pyung, Daejeon city
Mayor Yeon Hong-chul, Kosef (Korea Science and Engineering
Foundation) President Kim Shi-joong, and Minister of
Science and Technology Park Ho-keun. Kaist President
Hong Chang-sun is on the left. |
Korean President Roh Moon-hyun participating in
a time capsule laying ceremony in front of the science
library on the Daejeon campus on 21 Apr 03, along with
Minister of Science and Technology Park Ho-geun, First
Lady Kwon Yang-sook, and two student representatives. The
time capsule was intended to commemorate the 30th
anniverary of Kaist. It is to be opened in 2073. It
contains Kaist guide books, letters from freshmen, pictures
of the Woori Star satellite, a book about Kaist history, a
copy of the Kaist Times, and so forth. |
Dr. Fred E. Terman (in hat) meeting at
Kimpo airport with Dr. Chung Keun-mo on 12 Aug 70.
Earlier that year, the US Agency for International
Development (Aid) had approached Dr. Terman to lead a team
to study feasibility of creating Kais (Korean Advanced
Institute of Science). The Terman Report,
published in December 1970, became the blueprint for the
establishment of Kaist. |
Korean President Park Chung-hee conferring an
appointment letter to Dr. Lee Sang-soo, the first President
of Kais (Korea Advanced Institute of Science) on 27 Jan 71
at the Blue House (Korean President's residence). |
Dr. Lee Sang-soo's appointment certificate as
Kais President. |
The first Board of Directors meeting of Kais
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science) on 18 Feb 71. Standing
at the head is Lee Sang-soo, the first President of Kais. |
Ground breaking ceremony for the Kdi (Korea
Development Institute) and Add (Agency for Defense
Development) combined research complex, Seoul Heung-leung
campus on 14 Apr 71. In the center is Korean President
Park Chung-hee. |
First opening lecture ceremony of Kais (Korea
Advanced Institute of Science) in April 1973. |
First doctorate certificate of Kais (Korea
Advanced Institute of Science), dated 19 Aug 78. It is
in Mechanical Engineering and given to Yang Dong-yeol, who
is currently on the Mechanical Engineering faculty at
Kaist. |
Scenes from the third Sulk-lim campus
festival at Kais (Korea Advanced Institute of Science)
in 1970. |
Students' experimental practice scenes at
Kais (Korea Advanced Institute of Science) in 1970. The
subject matter is mechanical engineering. |
Plate hanging ceremony at the conversion of
Kais (Korean Advanced Institute of Science) to Kaist (Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) on 31 Dec 80.
At the left is Kaist Board Chaiman Lee Han-bin.
In the center is Mr. Lee Joo-chun, the first President of
Kaist. At the right is Minister of Science and Technology
Lee Jung-oh. |
Kit (Korea Institute of Technology) new
students entrance guidebook from 1986. The drawings are
prototypes for the present Kaist campus. The structures
are (clockwise from the uper left) the east gate, the first
pavilion (current location of humanities), the library
annex, and the third pavilion (current location of
industrial design). |
Kit (Korea Institute of Technology) first
entrance ceremony in 1986. The speaker is the chorus
conductor. Standing on the right nearest the lecturn is
Cho Son-dal, the President of Kit. The entering class that
year was 531. The number of faculty was 60. |
Undergraduate computer lesson scene at Kit
(Korea Institute of Technology). These are high school
students attending a science summer camp. |
Ground breaking for Daejeon campus of Kaist
(Korea Advanced Institute of Technology) on 25 Mar 87. At
the center are Minister of Science and Technology Lee
Tae-sup (left) and President of Kaist Lee Jong-oh
(right). |
Plate hanging ceremony at main gate of Kaist
(Korea Advanced Institute of Technology) Daejeon campus on
2 Mar 90. At the far left is Lee Jong-oh, President of
Kaist. |
Snapshot of plate hanging ceremony at main gate
of Kaist (Korea Advanced Institute of Technology) Daejeon
campus on 2 Mar 90. |
Construction director explaining Kaist (Korea
Advanced Institute of Technology) Daejeon campus
construction site on 2 Feb 90. In front are (right to
left) Daejeon city Mayor Lee Bong-hak, Minister of Science
and Technology Lee Sang-hee, and Kaist President Lee
Sang-soo. |