This is part of the KAIST Terman Report.

Survey Report
on the Establishment of the
Korea Advanced Institute of Science

Donald L. Benedict
KunMo Chung
Franklin A. Long
Thomas L. Martin
Frederick E. Terman, Chairman

Prepared for
US Agency for International Development
December 1970



In this account the term Korea denotes the Republic of Korea (i.e. South Korea).


These statistics are from "The Present State and Prospects of the Korean Economy" published by Economic Planing Board, Republic of Korea, August, 1970.


"Guidelines on the Formulation of the Proposed Third Five-Year Economic Development Plan" by the Economic Planning Board, Republic of Korea, November, 1969.


"Comprehensive Long-term Master Plan on the Development of Science and Technology," by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, December, 1968 (in Korean).


"Long-term Manpower Forecast and Development Policy 1967-1986," by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, December, 1968.


For one specific proposal that is worked out in considerable detail, see "An Informal Report on the Establishment of a New Graduate School of Applied Science and Technology in Korea," by KunMo Chung, December, 1969.


Because of the high qualifications of these students, combined with the plans to provide generous student support, it is anticipated that attrition in the MS program will be low. Thus 105 new students entering KAIST in a given year might be expected to yield about 95 MS degrees.


Another possible neighbor is the Korea Institute for Development (KID), which if established will perform objective studies of the Korean national economy with emphasis on methodology and models that fit Korean conditions.


This would be separate from the Academic Advisory Council proposed in Chapter 3, which would be advisory to the KAIS Board of Trustees.


"Preliminary Plan for the Establishment of Korea Advanced Institute of Science," by the Ministry of Science and Technology, July 1970.