Introduction to Nuclear Energy

PH241 - Stanford University - Winter 2024
R. B. Laughlin


Layth Alkhani Sweden Nuclear Energy Consumption Trends
Optimal Prostate Cancer Radiation Dosage
Michael Atkin Argentina's Atucha III Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Energy in Slovakia
Mia Bennett Health Impacts of Hiroshima Bombing
Nuclear Waste Management in the United States
Tianyi Chen China Nuclear Power
Temelin Nuclear Power Plant
Ian Coates Nuclear-Powered Maritime Vessels
Nuclear Energy in Switzerland
Caitlin Cranmer Analysis of Commercial Reprocessing Technologies
Cost of Nuclear Waste Management in the US
James Daniel Contractual Responsibility for Nuclear Waste in the United States
Virginia Uranium v. Warren
Rifat Emam South Africa Nuclear Energy Consumption
Nuclear Energy Consumption in Belgium
Sydney Erickson Earth Uranium Abundance
Evidence of Natural Fission at Oklo
Alex Fontani Herreros Overview and History of Lead and Lead-Bismuth Fast Reactors (LFRs)
Overview of Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycles for Nuclear Hydrogen Production
Ky Friedman Church Rock: The Spill Was Only Part of the Problem
NuClear or Unclear: French Nuclear Recycling and Its Future
Ananya Ganesh Medical Effects of the Hanford Site
Nuclear Power in Australia
Nico Godsick Japan's Revival of Nuclear Energy Post Fukushima
Nuclear Energy Compared to Other Low-Carbon Energy Sources in the UK
Martin Gonzalez Long-Term Health Effects of Marshall Island Nuclear Testing
Superconducting Tapes in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors
Isaac Goodman Fission Product Removal In Molten Salt Reactors
Instabilities in Magnetically Confined Plasma
Zev Granowitz Space Nuclear Propulsion
Medical Studies of the Demon Core Victims
Annie Homer Review of Light-Water Small Modular Reactor Designs
Empirical Comparison Between Nuclear and Solar Power
Chunchen Hong The Story of Chernobyl
Nuclear Energy in China
Beck Jurasius Thorium Fueled Nuclear Reactors and the Future of Nuclear Energy
Powering Space Stations From Nuclear Energy
Kyle Kang Nuclear Power in Illinois
Catawba Nuclear Station MOX Fuel Project
Andrew Klingberg Canadian Uranium Production
Acute Radiation Syndrome
Arnav Krishnamoorthi Nuclear Power In South Korea
Nuclear Power In Russia
Dominic LaJoie Nuclear Waste Production in the United States
Nuclear Medicine in the United States
Apollo Lee Evolution and Impact of Nuclear Power in Canada
Achieving Fusion Ignition
Henry Moise Tritium/Helium Separation
Radiolysis in Natural Hydrogen
Amar Mukunda Neutron Thermalization
Cogeneration: Nuclear Heat for Industrial Applications
Itbaan Nafi Nuclear Waste from Small Modular Reactors
Electric Power Generation Capabilities from a Hybrid Solar-Nuclear Power System
Harsh Parikh Thorium in India
Nuclear Desalination
Cosima Paul High Level Nuclear Waste Management in the UK
Transmutation of High-Level Nuclear Waste
Freddy Rabbat Neto Gen IV Technology Comparison
ADS: Energy Source or Nuclear Waste Incinerator?
Neel Rajesh Nuclear Power in New York
Georgia Nuclear Energy
Ky Robinson Australian Uranium Mining
Nuclear Energy in Japan
Neel Roy Tracking the Performance of Germany's Energiewende Policies
Diablo Canyon Power Plant: An Examination of its Role and Future
Justin Shen The Impacts of the Three Mile Island Accident
Impacts of the Uranium Mining Industry
Pete Slye Geothermal Energy from Nuclear Decay
Fusion Reactor Problems After Gain
Ali Taoube Nuclear Energy's Role in the UK
Kyshtym Disaster Consequences
Kushal Thaman The Future of Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Enrico Fermi: An Architect of the Atomic Age
Theo Zivre Fukushima Wastewater Management
Nuclear Energy in France