U.S. Department of Energy
December 2013
2013 Annual Progress Report
V. Fuel Cells
This section of the 2013 Annual Progress Report
for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program focuses on fuel
Fuel Cells
Program Overview, Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos, U.S.
Department of Energy
A. Catalysts
- Durable Catalysts for
Fuel Cell Protection During Transient Conditions, Radoslav
Atanasoski, 3M Company
- Extended, Continuous Pt
Nanostructures in Thick, Dispersed Electrodes, Bryan
Pivovar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Nanosegregated Cathode
Catalysts with Ultra-Low Platinum Loading, Nenad Markovic,
Argonne National Laboratory
- Contiguous Platinum
Monolayer Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts on High-Stability
Low-Cost Supports, Radoslav Adzic, Brookhaven National
- The Science and
Engineering of Durable Ultra-Low PGM Catalysts, Fernando
Garzon, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Engineered Nano-Scale
Ceramic Supports for PEM Fuel Cells, Eric Brosha, Los
Alamos National Laboratory
- Tungsten Oxide and
Heteropoly Acid-Based Systems for Ultra-High Activity and
Stability of Pt Catalysts in PEM Fuel Cell Cathodes, John
Turner, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Synthesis and
Characterization of Mixed-Conducting Corrosion Resistant Oxide
Supports, Vijay Ramani, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Development of Novel
Non-PGM Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel
Cell Applications, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Northeastern
- High-Activity
Dealloyed Catalysts, Anusorn Kongkanand, General Motors Company
- Development of Ultra-Low
Platinum Alloy Cathode Catalyst for Polymer Electrolyte
Membrane Fuel Cells, Branko Popov, University of South
- Non-Precious Metal Fuel
Cell Cathodes: Catalyst Development and Electrode Structure
Design, Piotr Zelenay, Los Alamos National Laboratory
B. Membranes
- Dimensionally
Stable High Performance Membrane, Cortney Mittelsteadt,
Giner, Inc.
- High-Temperature Membrane
with Humidification-Independent Cluster Structure, Ludwig
Lipp, FuelCell Energy, Inc.
- Corrugated Membrane Fuel
Cell Structures, Stephen Grot, Ion Power Inc.
C. MEA Integration
- High-Performance,
Durable, Low-Cost Membrane Electrode Assemblies for
Transportation Applications, Andrew Steinbach, 3M
- Rationally Designed Catalyst
Layers for PEMFC Performance Optimization, Deborah Myers,
Argonne National Laboratory
D. Degradation Studies
- Durability Improvements
Through Degradation Mechanism Studies, Rod Borup, Los
Alamos National Laboratory
- Durability of
Low-Platinum Fuel Cells Operating at High Power Density,
Scott Blanchet, Nuvera Fuel Cells, Inc.
- Accelerated Testing
Validation, Rangachary Mukundan, Los Alamos National
- Analysis of Laboratory
Fuel Cell Technology Status—Voltage Degradation,
Jennifer Kurtz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Development of
Micro-Structural Mitigation Strategies for PEM Fuel Cells:
Morphological Simulations and Experimental Approaches,
Silvia Wessel, Ballard Power Systems
E. Impurities
- Effect of System
Contaminants on PEMFC Performance and Durability, Huyen
Dinh, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- The Effect of Airborne
Contaminants on Fuel Cell Performance and Durability, Jean
St-Pierre, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
F. Transport Studies
- Fuel Cell Fundamentals at
Low and Subzero Temperatures, Adam Weber, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory
- Transport in
PEMFCs, Cortney Mittelsteadt, Giner, Inc.
- Investigation of Micro- and
Macro-Scale Transport Processes for Improved Fuel Cell
Performance, Wenbin Gu, General Motors Company
- Transport Studies Enabling
Efficiency Optimization of Cost-Competitive Fuel Cell
Stacks, Amedeo Conti, Nuvera Fuel Cells, Inc.
G. Balance of Plant
- Large-Scale Testing,
Demonstration and Commercialization of the Nanoparticle-Based
Fuel Cell Coolant (SBIR Phase III), Satish Mohapatra,
Dynalene Inc.
- New High-Performance
Water Vapor Membranes To Improve Fuel Cell Balance-of-Plant
Efficiency and Lower Costs, Earl Wagener, Tetramer
Technologies, LLC
- Roots Air Management
System with Integrated Expander, Dale Stretch, Eaton
H. Analysis/Characterization
- Fuel Cells Systems
Analysis, Rajesh Ahluwalia, Argonne National Laboratory
- Fuel Cell Transportation
Cost Analysis, Brian James, Strategic Analysis, Inc.
- Characterization of Fuel
Cell Materials, Karren More, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Neutron Imaging Study of
the Water Transport in Operating Fuel Cells, Muhammad
Arif, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Enlarging the
Potential Market for Stationary Fuel Cells Through System
Design Optimization, Chris Ainscough, National Renewable
Energy Laboratory
- Stationary and Emerging
Market Fuel Cell System Cost Analysis—Material Handling
Equipment, Vince Contini, Battelle
- A Total Cost of Ownership
Model for Design and Manufacturing Optimization of Fuel Cells
in Stationary and Emerging Market Applications, Max Wei,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Technical Assistance to
Developers, Tommy Rockward, Los Alamos National Laboratory
I. Portable Power
- Novel Materials for High
Efficiency Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, Steve Carson,
Arkema Inc.
- Advanced Materials and
Concepts for Portable Power Fuel Cells, Piotr Zelenay, Los
Alamos National Laboratory
J. Stationary Power
- Power Generation from an
Integrated Biomass Reformer and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SBIR
Phase III Xlerator Program), Quentin Ming, InnovaTek
K. Bipolar Plates
- Low-Cost PEM Fuel Cell
Metal Bipolar Plates, Conghua Wang, TreadStone
Technologies, Inc.
L. Alkaline Fuel Cells
- Advanced Ionomers and
MEAs for Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells, Bryan Pivovar,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
M. Cross-Cutting
- Improving Fuel Cell
Durability and Reliability, Prabhakar Singh, University of
N. Basic Energy Sciences
- Computer Simulation of
Proton Transport in Fuel Cell Membranes, Gregory Voth,
University of Chicago
- Fluoropolymers,
Electrolytes, Composites and Electrodes, Stephen Creager,
Clemson University
- Gas Transport Across
Hyperthin Membranes, Steven Regen, Lehigh University
- Theory-Guided Design of
Nanoscale Multi-Metallic Catalysts For Fuel Cells, Perla
Balbuena, University of Texas
- Structure-Property
Relationship in Metal Carbides and Bimetallic Alloys,
Jingguang Chen, Columbia University
- Nanostructured Catalysts
for Hydrogen Production from Renewable Feedstocks, Abhaya
Datye, University of New Mexico
- Fundamental
Structure/Property Studies of Gas Separation Membrane
Polymers, Benny Freeman, University of Texas at Austin
- Precisely Tunable High
Performance Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes for Energy
Intensive Separations, William Koros, Georgia Tech
- Nanoporous Membranes for
Hydrogen Production: Experimental Studies and Molecular
Simulations, Muhammad Sahimi, University of Southern California
- Structure/Composition/Function
Relationships in Supported Nanoscale Catalysts for
Hydrogen, Peter Stair, Argonne National Laboratory
- Metal and Metal
Oxide-Supported Platinum Monolayer Electrocatalysts for Oxygen
Reduction, Radoslav Adzic, Brookhaven National
- Active Sites and
Mechanism for the Water-Gas Shift Reaction on Metal and
Metal/Oxide Catalysts, Jose Rodriguez, Brookhaven National
- Fundamentals of
Catalysis and Chemical Transformations, Steve Overbury,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Activation of Small
Molecules with Bi-Functional Ambiphilic Catalyst
Complexes, Thomas Autrey, Pacific Northwest National
- Bio-Inspired Molecular
Catalysts for Oxidation of Hydrogen and Production of
Hydrogen: Cheap Metals for Noble Tasks, Morris Bullock,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Platinum-Group Metal
(PGM) Substituted Complex Oxide Catalysts, Ram Seshadri,
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Porous Transition Metal
Oxides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic
Activity, Steven Suib, University of Connecticut
- Understanding the
Effects of Surface Chemistry and Microstructure on the
Activity and Stability of Pt Electrocatalysts on Non-Carbon
Supports, William Mustain, University of Connecticut
- In Situ NMR/IR/Raman and
ab initio DFT Investigations of Pt-Based Mono- and Bi-Metallic
Nanoscale Electrocatalysts: From Sulfur-Poisoning to Polymer
Promoters to Surface Activity Indexes, YuYe Tong,
Georgetown University
- Investigation of the
Nature of Active Sites on Heteroatom-Containing Carbon
Nano-Structures for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Umit Ozkan,
Ohio State University
- Oxide-Metal Interactions
Studied on M@Oxide, Core-Shell Catalysts, Raymond Gorte,
University of Pennsylvania
- Fundamental Studies of the
Steam Reforming of Alcohols on PdZnO and Co/ZnO Catalysts,
John Vohs, University of Pennsylvania
- Theoretically Relating the
Surface Composition of the Pt Alloys to Their Performance as
the Electrocatalysts of Low-Temperature Fuel Cells,
Guofeng Wang, University of Pittsburgh
- Nanoscale Surface
Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Clean and Metal-Covered
Faceted Substrates: Structure, Reactivity, and Electronic
Properties, Robert Bartynski, Rutgers University
- Correlation of Theory
and Function in Well-Defined Bimetallic Electrocatalysts,
Richard Crooks, University of Texas
- Metal
Ion Sites on Oxide Supports as Catalysts for the Water-Gas
Shift and Methanol Steam Reforming Reactions, Maria
Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, Tufts University
- Hydrocarbon Oxidation,
Dehydrogenation, and Coupling over Model Metal Oxide
Surfaces, David Cox, Virginia Tech
- Atomic Level Studies of
Advanced Catalysts for Hydrodeoxygenation, S. Ted Oyama,
Virginia Tech
- Atomic-Scale Design
of Metal and Alloy Catalysts: A Combined Theoretical and
Experimental Approach, Marios Mavrikakis, University of