U.S. Department of Energy
December 2013

Copied on 21 Jan 15 from

U.S. Department of Energy - Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

2013 Annual Progress Report

Published in December 2013, the 2013 Annual Progress Report summarizes fiscal year 2013 activities and accomplishments by projects funded by the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program.

Front Cover

Title Page and Table of Contents

I. Introduction, Sunita Satyapal, U.S. Department of Energy

II. Hydrogen Production

  1. Electrolysis
  2. Solar Thermochemical
  3. Photoelectrochemical
  4. Biological
  5. Distributed Bio-Derived Liquids

III. Hydrogen Delivery

IV. Hydrogen Storage

  1. Testing and Analysis
  2. Engineering - HSECoE
  3. Materials - Sorption
  4. Materials - Metal Hydrides
  5. Materials - Chemical
  6. Advanced Tanks

V. Fuel Cells

  1. Catalysts
  2. Membranes
  3. MEA Integration
  4. Degradation Studies
  5. Impurities
  6. Transport Studies
  7. Balance of Plant
  8. Analysis/Characterization
  9. Portable Power
  10. Stationary Power
  11. Bipolar Plates
  12. Alkaline Fuel Cells
  13. Cross-Cutting
  14. Basic Energy Sciences

VI. Manufacturing R&D

VII. Technology Validation

VIII. Safety, Codes and Standards

IX. Market Transformation

X. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

XI. Systems Analysis

XII. Small Business Innovation Research

XIII. Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions

XIV. Primary Contacts Index

XV. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Contacts

XVI. Project Listings by State

XVII. Project Listings by Organization