//This code was compiled by "g++ bolidesimul.cpp" and written in Dev-C++ 
//(available under the GNU General Public License at 
//output is stored to "data.txt," which is nicely viewable through an editor like
//emacs (available under the GNU General Public License at 
//The code is currently set up to compute the entry of a stony bolide of mass 
//5.6*10^8 kg, initial speed 30 km/s (so Ekin0 = 60MTon) initial theta 30 degrees

//vardot denotes the time derivative of var.  Other derivatives are written as  
//Many constants and variables are given a #define var_name vec[index] statement,
//their name followed by an underscore.  This is because it was convient to pass 
//all the variables or all the constants as a single vector to functions, but it 
//would be inconvient to write formulas in terms of the variables' indeces inside 
//the vector.  
//All units are SI, though some conversions are made when the results are written
//to a file


float timeDeriv(int index, float sVec[], float cVec[]); //takes the time derivative of the variable in sVec[index], sVec is the state vector, cVec is a vector of constants
float min(float x, float y);	//returns minimum of x,y
float rho_a(float h);			//returns atmospheric density at altitude h
float g(float h);				//returns gravitational acceleration at altitude h

#define v_			sVec[0]
#define	theta_		sVec[1]
#define h_			sVec[2]
#define m_			sVec[3]
#define R_			sVec[4]
#define Rdot_		sVec[5]
#define Ekin_		sVec[6]
#define Ekindot_	sVec[7]
#define A_			sVec[8]
#define dEkin_dh_	sVec[9]
#define fragmented_	sVec[10]

#define pi_			cVec[0]
#define sigma_		cVec[1]
#define T_			cVec[2]
#define CH_			cVec[3]
#define CL_			cVec[4] 
#define CD_			cVec[5] 
#define Q_			cVec[6] 
#define SF_			cVec[7] 
#define rho_m_		cVec[8] 
#define S_			cVec[9] 

	const float dt = 0.001;							//s, simulation time step
	const int maxTimeSteps = 30000;
	int stepsTaken = 0;								//counts number of steps taken in simulation in case we stop before maxTimeSteps, as when h < 0 or m < 0
	//put constants into handy constVector cVec
	float cVec[10];	
	pi_ = 3.14159;
	sigma_ = 5.6704*pow(10.0,-8.0);			//W/(m^2 K^4) Stefan-Boltzmann constant
	T_ = 25000;								//K, shock wave gas temperature
	CH_ = 0.1;								//heat transfer coefficient
	CL_ = 0.001;							//lift coefficient
	//constants related to bolide 
	CD_ = 0.5;								//drag coefficient for rough sphere
	Q_ = 8*1000000;							//J/kg heat of ablation for stony asteroid
	SF_ = 1.21;								//shape factor for sphere, SF is solution to pi*R^2=SF*(M/rho_m)^(2/3) for sphere
	rho_m_ = 3500;							//kg/m^3 stony asteroid density
	S_ = pow(10.0,7.0);						//Pa yield strength of stony asteroid

	//put variables into handy stateVector sVec
	float sVec[11];
	//initial parameters
	v_ = 30000;								//m/s, initial speed of bolide
	theta_ = 30*pi_/180;					//in degrees, measured from horizon
	h_ = 100000;							//m initial altitude
	m_ = 5.6*pow(10.0,8.0);					//kg, initial mass of bolide
	A_ = SF_*pow(m_/rho_m_,2.0/3.0);		//cross-sectional area, pow(x,y) = x^y
	R_ = sqrt(A_/pi_);
	Rdot_ = 0;								//rate of change of radius, useful after t > t_crit
	Ekin_ = 0.5*m_*v_*v_;					//initial kinetic energy in J
	fragmented_ = 0;						//initially not fragmented
	Ekindot_ = timeDeriv(6,sVec,cVec);		//time derivative of kinetic energy in J/s
	dEkin_dh_ = Ekindot_/(-v_*sin(theta_));	//J/m   dEkin/dh = (dE/dt)*(dt/dh) = Ekindot/(-v*sin(theta)) derivative of energy with respect to altitude  
	float dataArray[maxTimeSteps][11]; //stores an instance of the state vector at each time step

	//run simulation 
	for (int step = 0; step < maxTimeSteps; step++)
		//store current state vector to data array
		for(int j = 0; j < 11; j++)			//11 variables
			dataArray[step][j] = sVec[j];
		//update the state vector  

		//Runge-Kutta 4 to integrate equations of motion for v and theta 
		for(int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)			//these are of form y'(t) ~ f(y(t)) with no explicit t dependence
			float k1 = timeDeriv(j,sVec,cVec);					//k1 = f(y_n) 
			sVec[j] += (dt/2.0)*k1;					
			float k2 = timeDeriv(j,sVec,cVec);					//k2 = f(y_n + (dt/2)*k1)
			sVec[j] += -(dt/2.0)*k1 + (dt/2.0)*k2;
			float k3 = timeDeriv(j,sVec,cVec);					//k3 = f(y_n + (dt/2)*k2)
			sVec[j] += -(dt/2.0)*k2 + dt*k3;
			float k4 = timeDeriv(j,sVec,cVec);					//k4 = f(y_n + dt*k3)
			sVec[j] += -dt*k3;	//restores sVec[k] to original value
			sVec[j] += (dt/6.0)*(k1 + 2.0*k2 + 2.0*k3 + k4);	//y_(n+1) = y_n + (dt/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
		for (int j = 2; j <= 3; j++)				//h'(t) and m'(t) do not depend on derivatives of h(t) and m(t) or on t,  
			sVec[j] += dt*timeDeriv(j,sVec,cVec);	//so k1=k2=k3=k4 and the RK4 method reduces to f -> f + dt*f'

		//for post-fragmentation dynamics of R
		//r'' = const/r, so we make this system first order by defining y1 = r, y2 = r'
		//z = (y1 ; y2), z' = (y1' ; y2') = (y2 ; const/y1) and integrate this using Runge-Kutta 4
		//in our case z = {r rdot}, z' = {rdot rdotdot}
		if (fragmented_ > 0.5)
			float k1[2] = {timeDeriv(4,sVec,cVec), timeDeriv(5,sVec,cVec)}; //{rdot, rdotdot}
			R_	  += (dt/2.0)*k1[0];	//(y1)
			Rdot_ += (dt/2.0)*k1[1];	//(y2)
			float k2[2] = {timeDeriv(4,sVec,cVec), timeDeriv(5,sVec,cVec)};
			R_	  += -(dt/2.0)*k1[0] + (dt/2.0)*k2[0];
			Rdot_ += -(dt/2.0)*k1[1] + (dt/2.0)*k2[1];
			float k3[2] = {timeDeriv(4,sVec,cVec), timeDeriv(5,sVec,cVec)};
			R_    += -(dt/2.0)*k2[0] + dt*k3[0];
			Rdot_ += -(dt/2.0)*k2[1] + dt*k3[1];
			float k4[2] = {timeDeriv(4,sVec,cVec), timeDeriv(5,sVec,cVec)};
			R_    += -dt*k3[0];
			Rdot_ += -dt*k3[0];

			R_    += (dt/6.0)*(k1[0] + 2.0*k2[0] + 2.0*k3[0] + k4[0]);
			Rdot_ += (dt/6.0)*(k1[1] + 2.0*k2[1] + 2.0*k3[1] + k4[1]);
		else  //prefragmentation
			R_ = sqrt(A_/pi_);
			Rdot_ = 0;			//this does not affect pre-fragmentation dynamics
		//update other variables
		Ekin_ = 0.5*m_*v_*v_;		//Ekin = 0.5*m*v^2
		Ekindot_ = timeDeriv(6,sVec,cVec);			//Ekindot
		//update cross-section area
		if (fragmented_ < 0.5)	//not fragmented
			A_ = SF_*pow(m_/rho_m_,2.0/3.0); 
			A_ = pi_*R_*R_;				

		//check for fragmentation
		if (CD_*rho_a(h_)*v_*v_/4.0 > S_) //equation (7)
			fragmented_ = 1.0;
			if (fragmented_ > 0.5) //if has already fragmented, stays fragmented
				fragmented_ = 1.0;
				fragmented_ = 0.0;
		//this is the variable we plot in figures 2-6
		dEkin_dh_ = Ekindot_/(-v_*sin(theta_));			//dEkin/dh = (dE/dt)*(dh/dt)^(-1) = Ekindot/(-v*sin(theta))
		//check to see if should halt if h < 0 (impacted surface) or m < 0 (ablation has depleted mass to 0)
		if ((h_ < 0) || (m_ < 0))

	//writes data to file
	FILE * file;
    file = fopen("data.txt","w");
	fprintf(file,"t\t\tv\t\ttheta\t\th\t\tm\t\tR\t\tRdot\t\tEkin\t\tEkindot\tA\t\tdEkin_dh\tfragmented\n"); //header line
	for (int j = 0; j < stepsTaken; j++)
		fprintf(file,"%.3e\t",j*dt);		//prints time
		for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
			if (k == 2)	//h
				dataArray[j][k] = dataArray[j][k]/1000.0; //convert h to km
			if (k == 9) //dEkin_dh
				dataArray[j][k] = dataArray[j][k]/(4.184*pow(10.0,12.0)); //convert dEkin_dh to MTon/km   

			fprintf(file,"%.3e\t",dataArray[j][k]);		//prints data
		fprintf(file,"%i\n",int(dataArray[j][10]));	//prints 0 if not fragmented, 1 otherwise

float timeDeriv(int index, float sVec[], float cVec[])	//takes the time derivative of the variable in sVec[index], sVec is the state vector, cVec is a vector of constants
{																//cVec is vector of constants
	case 0:		//vdot, equation (2)
		return (-(CD_/m_)*rho_a(h_)*A_*v_*v_ + g(h_)*sin(theta_));
	case 1:		//thetadot, equation (5)
		return (g(h_)*cos(theta_)/v_ - CL_*rho_a(h_)*A_*v_/(2*m_));
	case 2:		//hdot, equation (6)
		return (-v_*sin(theta_));
	case 3:		//mdot, equation (3)
		return (-(A_/Q_)*min((CH_*rho_a(h_)*pow(v_,3.0)),sigma_*pow(T_,4.0)));
	case 4:		//if fragmented Rdot = Rdot (from Rdot_)
		if (fragmented_ > 0.5) //if fragmented
			return (Rdot_);
			return 0;	//this does not affect pre-fragmentation dynamics
	case 5:		//Rdotdot, equation (9)
		if (fragmented_ > 0.5)	// if fragmented
			return (CD_*rho_a(h_)*v_*v_/(16.0*R_*rho_m_/(3.0*pi_)));
			return 0;	//this does not affect pre-fragmentation dynamics
	case 6:		//Ekindot, equation (1)
		return (m_*v_*timeDeriv(0,sVec,cVec) + 0.5*v_*v_*timeDeriv(3,sVec,cVec));
		printf("Warning: timeDeriv called with uknown index value\n");
		return 0;

float min(float x, float y)
	if (x