# I did this with t=1 [eV], delta=0.5 [eV]
unset xtics
set terminal postscript enhanced
set xrange [0 to 3.1415926535]
set yrange [-4.031128874 to 4.031128874]
set ylabel "E[eV]"
set label "{/Symbol G}" at -0.1,-4.5
set label "X" at 1.2,-4.5
set label "W" at 2.1,-4.5
set label "{/Symbol G}" at 3,-4.5
set key off
set terminal postscript "helvitica" 24
set output "Band.ps"
plot 'Band.dat' u 1:2 w l 1, 'Band.dat' u 1:3 w l 1