program bands integer b real e(125) real vec(3) real hamilr(125,125),hamili(125,125) real m real zr(125,125),zi(125,125),fv1(125,125),fv2(125,125),fm1(125,125) m=0.0 open(24,file='gaas.dat',status='new') do 1 b=0,40 call kgenerator(m,vec) write(*,*) vec call hamiltonian(vec,hamilr,hamili) call ch(125,125,hamilr,hamili,e,1,zr,zi,fv1,fv2,fm1,ier) write(*,*) ier e=e-8.8010 write(24,20) m,(e(l),l=1,15) m=m+1.0 1 continue 20 format(16f10.4) end subroutine hamiltonian(vec,hamilr,hamili) real vec(3) complex hamil(125,125) real hamilr(125,125),hamili(125,125) integer i,j complex element do 2 i=-62,62 do 3 j=-62,62 call el(i,j,vec,element) hamil(i+63,j+63)=element 3 continue 2 continue hamilr=real(hamil) hamili=aimag(hamil) return end ! kgenerator gives the starting kvector of the different symmetry points to be calculated subroutine kgenerator(m,vec) real vec(3) real m real a if (m.LE.10) then vec=[0.5-m/20,0.5-m/20,0.5-m/20] elseif ((m.GT.10).AND.(m.LE.20)) then vec=[(m-10)/10,0.,0.] elseif ((m.GT.20).AND.(m.LE.25)) then vec=[1.,(m-20)/10,0.] elseif ((m.GT.25).AND.(m.LE.30)) then vec=[1-(m-25)/20,0.5+(m-25)/20,0.] else vec=[.75-(m-30)/(40/3),.75-(m-30)/(40/3),0.] endif return end ! el gives the hamiltonian matrix element given an index i,j and the symmetry vec subroutine el(i,j,vec,element) integer i,j real vec(3),out(3) complex vout complex element real pi,hbar,a,mo pi=3.141592654 hbar=(6.626e-34)/(2*pi) a=5.64e-10 mo=9.109e-31 if (i.Eq.j) then call kval(i,out) element=(hbar*hbar)/(2*mo)*dot_product(out+vec,out+vec)*(4*pi*pi/(a*a))/1.602e-19 write(*,*) hbar write(*,*) element else call vg(i-j,vout) element=vout endif return end ! vg gives the pseudopotential for a given RPL given by its index m subroutine vg(m,vout) real Vs,Va complex vout integer m,a real pi real out(3) real s(3) pi=3.141592654 call kval(m,out) a=dot_product(out,out) s=[0.125,0.125,0.125] if (a.EQ.3) then Vs=-0.23 Va=0.07 elseif (a.EQ.4) then Vs=0.0 Va=0.05 elseif (a.EQ.8) then Vs=0.01 Va=0.0 elseif (a.EQ.11) then Vs=0.06 Va=0.01 else Vs=0.0 Va=0.0 endif vout=cmplx(13.6*Vs*cos(2*pi*dot_product(out,s)),-13.6*Va*sin(2*pi*dot_product(out,s))) return end ! kval gives unique RPL's based on an index ! kval generates RPL's in such a way that kval(i)-kval(j)=kval(i-j), which is handy ! The idea for this subroutine was taken from subroutine kval(m,out) integer m real lim,n real vecb1(3),vecb2(3),vecb3(3) real hvec,kvec,lvec real out(3) lim=5 n=(lim*lim*lim)-1 vecb1(1)=-1 vecb1(2)=1 vecb1(3)=1 vecb2(1)=1 vecb2(2)=-1 vecb2(3)=1 vecb3(1)=1 vecb3(2)=1 vecb3(3)=-1 hvec=floor((m+n/2)/(lim*lim))-floor(lim/2) kvec=floor(mod(m+n/2,lim*lim)/lim)-floor(lim/2) lvec=mod(m+n/2,lim)-floor(lim/2) out=hvec*vecb1+kvec*vecb2+lvec*vecb3 return end